Art in Action


Last February 20th, Peruvian artist Olga Luna carried out a performance at the Museum of the Nation of Peru, in Lima, with the participation of young boarders of Generación (NGO with which, 15 years ago, the artist created The Wall – Art in Action).

The performance started with the emission of “Peru Peru Olga Luna” in Morse code, and the subsequent music transmitted electronic waves similar to those emitted by communication means – telephone, computers etc. – that are the vectors used to involve young people in stories and livings that are not theirs.

The young boarders were walking, masked, covered by black veils that are the influences that undulate below those flags and prevent from seeing who they really are.

In the second part, the light surged with the white flag, a manifesto of what occults darkness; dark veils disappear and each one shows on its shirt the point he was able to reach as a result of education and culture (driver, professor, etc.).

The music reproduces the one they create when they get out of the classes.

At the end of the playtime, back to their life of integration and culture, the black veils are abandoned on the floor…

Le Centre Art et Cultures, Cotonou, Bénin, 2015

Fall 2014 The Wall – Art in Action, Regional Hostpital of Créteil – Pediatric surgery department

This project has been carried out with the participation of children and young people who were hospitalized at the Regional Hospital of Créteil (France), in the pediatric surgery department. It was supported by the Association for the Diffusion of Art in Action, as well as Marin Beaux-Arts.

22.06.2012 à Châtellerault, Centre d'Art Contemporain, ateliers de l'imprimé
02.11.2012 Centro Metropolitano de Diseño
Lieu d' Art Contemporain de la Reunión
Lieu d' Art Contemporain de la Reunión

November 18th, 2010

Centre d' Art, Alasora, Madagascar
Centre d' Art, Alasora, Madagascar

December 2nd, 2010

November 2009